Burger King Fries Calories article image
Burger King Fries calories and nutrition can and will vary substantially based on the size. As a rule of thumb, keep this in mind: The...
Wendy's Fries Calories article image
Wendy's Fries calories vary depending on the size of the portion you order. The smaller the serving size, the fewer calories they have. Same goes the...
Burger King Chicken Sandwich Calories article image
Burger King's Original Chicken sandwich recipe, also known as OCS, has been a staple of the fast food industry since 1979. The sandwich came to...
BK Whopper Jr.
Burger King Whopper Jr. and Whopper Jr. with cheese calories, nutrition facts, and other important information for the health conscious individual. Get detailed nutrition information...


BK Whopper Sandwich
The Whopper is Burger King's signature sandwich. Introduced in 1957, it's probably still the chain's biggest draw. Find out how many calories, carbohydrates and fat...